Discounts on Oxford courses

Offers Start : 01/3/2021
End Offers: 15/5/2021

up to 40% off

Diplomas of English, German, Turkish, French and Arabic for non-native speakers

The offer is up to 40% after adding the costs of books, CDs and the international certificate

In addition to a free page for each student with a job seeker badge for those who wish to create an electronic CV

50% discount on training of trainers courses

The offer is up to 50% after adding fees and the international certificate

In addition to a free page for each trainee with a trainer badge and the creation of an electronic CV

40% discount on teacher training courses

40% discount on preparatory diplomas for secondary school

For items benefiting from the offer, follow the steps to obtain a discount.

Register during the offer period and start your course directly, and you are entitled to start the course only a month after the offer ends

The offer is up to % value after adding the costs of books, CDs and the international certificate
In addition to a free page for each student with a job seeker badge for those who wish to create an electronic CV
Please contact Admission and Registration for more details
Current offer ends on 30/6/2021

Address: Irbid – University Street – south of Al Iskan traffic light – Al-Shatnawi Building

Our location according to Google Maps


  • Introductory course in English language skills
  • Oxford Conversational Club

Application for registration in Oxford offers


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