دبلوم اكسفورد الدولي للمحادثة باللغة الانجليزية

الدورة في السطور

محاور الدورة:

  1. Your Life - عدد الساعات: 24 ساعة
    1. Getting Started .
    2. Going Beyond Hello
    3. Being Home
    4. Being Home
    5. Eating and Drinking
    6. Exploring Daily Habits
    7. Being Yourself
    8. Staying Healthy
    9. Parenting
    10. Making and Keeping Friends
    11. Loving Dogs and Pets
    12. Cats and More Cats
    13. Pet Peeves
  2. Sleep - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about sleep
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  3. Family - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Family
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  4. Friends - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Friends
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  5. Dating - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Dating
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  6. Raising Kids - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Raising Kids
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  7. Women - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Women
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  8. Beauty - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Beauty
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  9. Childhood - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Childhood
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  10. Sports - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Sports
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  11. Food - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Food
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  12. Work - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Work
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  13. Time - عدد الساعات: 2 ساعة
    1. comprehension Question
    2. useful expressions for talking about Time
    3. chat one
    4. chat two
  14. the third month - عدد الساعات: 24 ساعة
    1. Describe an occasion when you wasted your time
    2. Describe something or someone that made a lot of noise
    3. Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future or Describe a sport you would like to try for the first time
    4. Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend
    5. Describe an old person you know and respect.
    6. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result
    7. Describe a mistake you have made
    8. Describe a volunteering experience you have had
    9. Describe a program or app on your computer or phone
    10. Describe a long car journey you went on
    11. Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
    12. Describe a friend/person who is a good leader
    13. Describe a dinner you really enjoyed
    14. Describe a large company that you are interested in
    15. Describe a person in your family that you admire
    16. Describe a time when a family member asked for your help
    17. Describe an unpleasant job you did
    18. A time when you did not tell the truth to someone
    19. Describe a person you think has interesting ideas and opinions
    20. Describe a time you lost somewhere you didn't know
    21. Describe something difficult you would like to succeed in doing
    22. What would you like to change where you live
    23. Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about

أهداف الدورة:

  1. communicate effectively in different social contexts and real life situations,
  2. ask and answer different questions and be able to discuss and express their opinions about different topics,
  3. araphrase sentences, paragraphs and summarize different texts
  4. gain background knowledge and learn a wide range of vocabulary about different topics and be able to use them in relevant contexts,
  5. learn a wide range of lexical chunks and grammatical expressions necessary for effective communication such as phrasal verbs, collocations, idiomatic expressions, etc. and use them in real situations
  6. get acquainted with various aspects of English culture necessary for learning the language

مزايا الدورات

أسلوب التدريب​

اسلوب تدريب يعتمد على نظرية التعلم الذهنية يتخلله العاب تدريبية ممتعة

اعتماد المدرب​

مدرب دولي معتمد ، مؤسسة تدريب معتمدة من هيئة اكسفورد للأعتماد -بريطانيا ​

المحتوى التدريبي​

معتمد دوليا من هيئة اكسفورد للأعتماد -بريطانيا ​

آلية حضور الدورة​

الحضور المباشر في قاعة التدريب أو اونلاين​


شهادة دولية صادرة عن اكاديمية اكسفورد الدولية محققة تحمل رقم دولي من هيئة اكسفورد للأعتماد البريطانية OAB-UK

رسوم الاشتراك​

تناسب جميع المشاركين من كافة الدول مع إمكانية دفع الرسوم بعدة طرق تسهيلات في الدفع على أقساط ضمن شروط​