Participation Certificates Issuance System

Certificates of attendance and participation in training courses, which are of three types:

2.1 Certificate of attendance at an accredited training program

Certificate of Attendance (also Certificate of Participation) is an official document proving attendance at an approved training programme 

It can increase the odds of career advancement, and this type of certificate is considered proof of learning, although knowledge is not assessed before this certificate is issued.
The trainer who presented the course and the training program for the course are both internationally accredited by OAB-UK 

Types of attendance certificates according to the methods of achieving the competencies of issuing them 

1.4.1 certificate Live attendance (the course is held live in the classroom or online via Zoom)

1.4.2 certificate Online attendance (the student attends a registered course online on the Oxford educational platform)


  • Requirements for issuing an international certificate

    • The training course must have an approved training package and be presented by a certified trainer from OAB-UK  
    • The attendance requirement for participants in the training course must be met (in person or online) under the supervision of the course organizer (certified independent trainer or accredited training center).
    • This certificate is issued based on the recommendation of the course organizer at the start of the course through a request to issue a certificate. The certificate is issued in conjunction with the end date of the course.
    • The participant must achieve a course attendance rate of 85% of the training program hours as a minimum
    • The certificate is issued within 72 hours of submitting the application and paying the issuance fees

1.4.3 certificate Attendance after ensuring that the required competencies are achieved: verification is done in one of two ways

  • Course exam: The trainee takes an approved exam for the required course. It is not required to attend the course. If he passes the exam (minimum success rate is 75%), he is given a certificate of attendance confirming that the trainee has achieved the required competencies.
    The exam is offered through Oxford International Examinations website
  • Research: The trainee submits a comprehensive scientific research on the subject of the training program after receiving the scientific content of the training course. The research is evaluated by a specialized committee. If the research is approved, the trainee is entitled to a certificate of attendance proving that he has achieved the required competencies.

Other requirements for issuing an international certificate


Exam-based certification 

  • Achieving the required passing percentage in the exam, which is 75%.
  • Submit the exam through Oxford International Examinations website
  • Submit the exam through an accredited exam center or in coordination with Oxford International Academy
  • The certificate is issued within 7 days of submitting the application and paying the issuance fees


Certificate based on scientific research

  • Providing the trainee with books related to the training program and presenting scientific research within the specified period 
  • Study of scientific research by the examinations committee and approval
  • The trainee will discuss the research he submitted online by a specialized committee determined by the Oxford International Academy
  • The certificate is issued within 7 days of submitting the application and paying the issuance fees



International Certificate /Attendance of certified training programme 

The International certificate of attendance (also the certificate of participation) is an official document proving the attendance of a training course.

This type of certificate provides proof of learning, although no knowledge is assessed before such a certificate is issued. It could increase the prospects of professional promotion.

The trainer who presented the course and the training programme for the course are both internationally accredited by OAB-UK

2.2 International participation certificates supporting the local certificate 

This certificate is issued to any training institution accredited by the British Oxford Authority, which wishes to issue an international serial number for its local certificate certified by an accredited government institution, and save the certificate and its information on the international certification website of the British Oxford Authority, which allows the local certificate to be supported by an international certificate, and the local certificate and the international certificate are displayed. On the certificates website 

  • Requirements for issuing an international certificate

    • Only training institutions accredited by OAB-UK  can apply to issue this type of certificate through an electronic application, and the certificate must be attached in the form of a PDF file.
    • The training program or the trainer offering the course is not required to be accredited by OAB-UK , as the training institution and the local issuing authority bear responsibility for this certificate.
    • The certificate must be issued by the accredited training institution and certified by a government authority in the country to which the training institution is affiliated
    • The certificate is issued with an international number and appears on the international certification website of the British Oxford Corporation
    • The certificate is issued within 72 hours of submitting the application and paying the issuance fees
  • certificate Oxford certified by the Jordanian Ministry of Education

The certificate of participation is an official document issued by Oxford International Academy by the Jordanian Ministry of Education proving attendance at an accredited training program 

It can increase the possibilities of professional advancement. This type of certificate is considered proof of learning. Knowledge is usually assessed before this certificate is issued.
The trainer who presented the course and the training program for the course are both internationally accredited by OAB-UK  and the Jordanian Ministry of Education 

Requirements for issuing an international certificate

The certificate must be issued by a training center accredited by OAB-UK , and the local certificate must be accredited and famous With the stamp of the Jordanian Ministry of Education



The certificate of participation is an official document issued by Oxford International Academy from the Ministry of Education in Jordan proving attendance in a certified training programme.

It could increase the prospects of professional promotion. This type of certificate provides proof of learning. Knowledge is usually assessed before such a certificate is issued.

The trainer who presented the course and the training programme for the course are both internationally accredited by OAB-UK and locally by MOE-Jordan


2.2.2 certificate Oxford certified by the Jordanian Vocational and Technical Skills Development Authority.

The certificate of participation is an official document issued by the Oxford International Academy by the Jordanian Vocational and Technical Skills Development Authority proving attendance at an accredited training program. 

It can increase the odds of professional advancement, and this type of certificate is considered evidence of skill. Knowledge is usually assessed before this certificate is issued.
The trainer who presented the course and the training program for the course are both internationally accredited by OAB-UK  and the Jordanian Vocational and Technical Skills Development Authority. 

Requirements for issuing an international certificate

  • The certificate must be issued by a training center accredited by OAB-UK , and the local certificate must be accredited and famous With the stamp of the Jordanian Skills Development Authority
  • The certificate is issued within 48 hours of submitting the application and paying the issuance fees



The certificate of participation is an official document issued by Oxford International Academy from the Technical and Vocational Skills Development Commission in Jordan proving attendance at a certified training programme.

It could increase the prospects of professional promotion. This type of certificate provides proof of skill. Knowledge is usually assessed before such a certificate is issued.

The trainer who presented the course and the training programme for the course are both internationally accredited by OAB-UK and locally by  TVSDC-Jordan

2.3 Certificate of participation in a training activity

It is an official document proving participation in a training activity (all types of conferences, training workshop, art exhibition, community initiative, symposium, forum, employment fair, volunteer work, etc.)

It can increase the possibilities of professional advancement, and this type of certificate is considered evidence of continuing knowledge and skill development in a specific field.


Certificate issuance requirements

  • Any individual or institution that has an account on OAB-UK  website has the right to submit a request to issue certificates for training activities after the Oxford Commission approves the request. 
  • Examples of training activities for which certificates are issued include (all types of conferences, training workshop, art exhibition, community initiative, symposium, forum, employment fair, volunteer work, etc.)
  • This certificate is issued after coordination with OAB-UK  or one of its representatives. The activity organizer submits a request to issue an activity certificate, and the certificate is issued within 24 hours through the International certification websiteThe international serial number of the certificate is the same as the certificate verification number.
  • The certificate shows the names of the organisers, the words Shepherds And the supporter’s main activities.
  • Pay the fees for issuing the international certificate. The Oxford British Authority has the right to issue these certificates as a sponsorship fee for the training activity, provided that the Authority’s name, logo, and website are used in the training activity’s publications and literature, in coordination with the British Oxford Authority or one of its representatives.
  • The certificate is issued within 48 hours of submitting the application and paying the issuance fees.


It is an official document proving participation in a training activity (conference, training workshop, art gallery, community initiative, Seminar, forum, job fair, etc.)

It could increase the prospects of professional promotion, and this certificate provides proof of continuing knowledge and skill development in a specific field.

2.4 Certificate of passing an internationally accredited examination

This certificate is an official document proving the competence, knowledge, and skill achievement of its holder in the subject of the examination. It is evidence that the holder has successfully passed the exam and possesses the skills that the exam measures, which can increase the possibilities for professional advancement. This type of certificate is considered evidence of learning, meaning that knowledge and skills are evaluated before this certificate is issued.


 Certificate issuance requirements

  • The British Oxford University must approve the exam 
  • The exam must be submitted through the Oxford International Examinations website
  • The certificate is issued within 72 hours of submitting the exam, submitting the request for its issuance, and paying the issuance fees


A certificate of success is proof that its owner passed an exam. It’s an official document proving that its owner possesses the skills the exam measures. It can increase the odds of professional advancement. This type of certificate is considered proof of learning, i.e., knowledge and skills are assessed before this certificate is issued.

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